When registering a player for Warren Park Youth Baseball Little League, the following Sportsmanship Pledge is required to be reviewed and accepted. All players will be held accountable to this pledge throughout the season:
- Abide by the rules of the game
- Always give my best effort and work as hard for my teammates as I do for myself
- Be a good sport and acknowledge good plays whether they are made by my team or by my opponents
- Be a good sport and accept the mistakes that I make and those of my teammates, coaches and umpires
- Cooperate with my coaches, teammates, and umpires
- Control my temper when I feel I have been wronged
- Never argue with or complain to the umpire about calls or decisions. If I do have reasonable concerns, I will calmly raise them with my coach, who will handle the situation
- Be a team player and not show off
- Ensure that I treat my teammates and other players in the league with respect and dignity in all situations where I see them off the field and in the community before, between and after games
- Be respectful in all my communications with teammates, players, and all members of the league--whether in person or through digital media (computers, cellphones, Facebook, etc.)
- Remember that striving to win is more important than winning and that having fun is the goal.
Sportsmanship is an integral value of Warren Park Little League. Any potential violations of this Sportsmanship Pledge should be reported to the WPYBLL Board [email protected]. The Board will review the allegation and may impose sanctions as described in the League Sanctions for Violation of Codes of Conduct.